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While storing member functions as attributes inside a struct allows us to achieve polymorphism between different entities with the same structural data (i.e. same attributes), interfaces add a second degree of polymorphism for entities which may differ in structural data.

An interface is a specification of required functionality. Any struct which implements an interface must implement this set of functionality, but there are no restrictions placed on the member attributes of a struct.

An interface may also be defined as to specify certain member attributes which must be implemented by any struct which implements the interface.

interface Payable {
    getPaymentAmount: (Self) -> dollarAmount: flt
    getPaymentDate: (Self, today: Date) -> due: Date


struct Order implements Payable {
    itemName: str
    quantity: int
    price: flt
    orderPlacedAt: Date

    fn getPaymentAmount(new self: Order) -> dollarAmount: int {
        dollarAmount = self.quantity * self.price

    fn getPaymentDate(new self: Order, today: Date) -> due: Date {
        due = min(self.orderPlacedAt.afterDays(5), today.afterDays(3))

    /* constructor & destructor */

Notice how implementing the implemented methods are written directly into the into the the struct body. This is the only time where Eisen permits a definition of a method directly inside the struct body. This design was chosen as:

  1. All methods required for inheritence are grouped together; there is less of a chance that one gets forgotten or overlooked with everything in one place
  2. These methods are associated with the specific struct which implements an interface. Whereas general functions are free-standing, global functions, the methods associated with an interface must be written into a function table by the compiler. These are 'virtual' functions.

The Self keyword is required as the first argument of all functions defined inside an interface. This is because these functions must be dispatched from the function table of the implementing struct.

Creating an Instance

An interface can either be cast as a pointer to an existing memory allocation or created as an actual memory allocation using let

let myOrder = Order("Pants", 1, 79.99, "6/28/22".toDate())
// casting yields a pointer to an existing memory allocation
val firstPayableThing =

// creating an actual memory allocation
let realPayableThing = Order("Pillow", 2, 19.99, "3/14/22".toDate())

These are not interchangeable. In particular, in the first part of the example, myOrder is created as an Order memory allocation, and contains all the memory required to represent an Order. And while realPayableThing is a memory allocation, it is an allocation for a Payable object. As each object which implements an interface may differ in size, the allocation required for Payable cannot be easily known. Instead, it is standardized to exactly the amount of memory required for functionality/attributes of the Payable interface, and the remaining member attributes of the underlying struct are stored on the heap dynamically.

Multiple Interfaces

Provided there are no naming conflicts, Eisen puts no limit onto the number of interfaces that a given struct can implement. Currently, naming conflicts between methods required of different interfaces will result in a compile time error; there are no plans to change this caveat.

interface Hashable {
    hash: (Self) -> int

interface Debuggable {
    write: (Self) -> str

struct LedgerEntry implements Hashable, Debuggable {
    price: flt
    amount: flt

    fn hash() {
        return hash(hash(price) + hash(amount))

    fn write(new self: LedgerEntry) -> str {
        return "{self.amount} at ${self.price}"


Low-Cost implementation

Eisen implements interfaces as C level structs with function pointers (i.e. a virtual function table). The interfact struct also has a pointer to the underlying object instance, which gets passed into each entry of the function table.

Interface Specific Methods

Interfaces can also be written with certain methods already implemented. Because an interface represents a public set of attributes and methods, Eisen actually permits the developer to defined functions which may treat an interface as if it were a struct. When an interface is used in this way, only the attributes and methods publically comprising the interface may be used.

interface AuthenticationManager {
    username: str
    endpointUrl: str
    isAuthorized: (Self) -> bool

fn generateLogMessage(manager: AuthenticationManager) -> msg: str {
    msg = "Authenticating {username} with {endpointUrl}"

Defining functions on interfaces allows an additional component of code reuse; all implementations of the interface will be able to use these functions. Further, as these functions are defined over the interface, they cannot be redefined a given implementation of the interface.